My thoughts

Welcome To My World

This has been a very interesting time for me, or everyone to be honest. Between Coronavirus, trying to get used to working from home (which I actually don’t mind, I’m actually way more productive this way), losing out on a job promotion of a position that I’ve been doing for the past 9 months, and the ongoing saga of police brutality and the death of George Floyd-this year has been on something else. I cannot believe that we are just now half way through this year!

Needless to say, all of this has had me super in my feelings. I’ve spent most of this month in tears and on the verge of a complete breakdown. I feel super unvalued at work. I’m working on pulling myself out this funk and I want to start living for me, doing things to help benefit me and push me forward to grow myself (and my bank account tbh). I’ve come to the realization that it is absolutely not working with my employer, and if they aren’t going to value me, I’m going to damn sure value myself. As Beyonce said, “I’m going to keep running, cause a winner never quits on themselves.”

So please join me on this journey to better myself mentally, physically and spiritually. Welcome to my new blog, The Lainey Diaries.

xoxo Alaina

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