My thoughts

5 Ways To Stay Productive in Quarantine

It can be a struggle to stay productive when working from home. Your chill space is now merged with your work space, and it can really throw off your productivity and motivation. Below are some tips for staying productive during quarantine.

1. Make Lists

Make lists for the tasks you would like to get done each day before the week starts. This is the easiest way to remember what you want to accomplish and to create a semblance of a schedule. If you don’t get all tasks done in one day, that’s okay. But at least this way, you have a clear plan of attack to get things done.

2. No Television

Keep the tv off while you’re working. This is the easiest way to get distracted. Something said may catch your attention or you can get caught of binge watching Netflix. Music is fine. But tv is definitely a hindrance.

3. Take Breaks

Make sure you take breaks when working to decrease your chances of burn out. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when working from home, and you can get caught up in your work and lose track of time. Make sure you take breaks to stretch, maybe go for a walk in your neighborhood, and make sure you eat and hydrate!

4. Keep to a schedule/routine

Make sure to keep to a schedule for hours worked. This will help you create boundaries so that you aren’t overworking yourself at all hours of the day. When you create a schedule and make people aware of your hours, this can stop you from being stressed due to people feeling like they can try and contact you whenever they want to. This is super important, so please take heed of this.

5. Establish a dedicated workspace

If you can, make sure you dedicate a certain area of your living space for work. If you are trying to eat, sleep, relax and work in the same space, it can be very difficult and definitely put a hindrance on productivity and motiviation. Try to work in your home office or bedroom and not your living room area, as this can lead to difficulties in productivity and create issues related to the previous points above.

These are some tips for you guys that have really helped me since I started working from home back in March of this year. Sticking to these 5 points have actually helped increase my productivity. If you have any tips you would like to share, please do so in the comments!

xo Alaina

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